Sailor Tattoo Ideas

It is believed that the tradition of marine tattoos began after James Cook’s voyage across Oceania.

By the end of the 19th century, already 90% of all British sailors (not counting the officers, of course) wore marine tattoos, which by that time had become the same sign of craft.

Starting as hooliganism and self-indulgence, sailor tattoos soon became a common tradition for English-speaking sailors. Each drawing had some meaning and either carried a specific message about its owner, or was a talisman, like the image of a pig and a rooster. It is worth noting that the article is about tattoos of English-speaking sailors, primarily the British Navy.

A ship with wind-filled sails

Sailor Tattoo Ideas


Sailor Tattoo Ideas

The Dragon

Sailor Tattoo Ideas

Rope around the wrist

Sailor Tattoo Ideas


Sailor Tattoo Ideas


Sailor Tattoo Ideas


Sailor Tattoo Ideas


Sailor Tattoo Ideas

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