Port de plaisance Sari-Salorenzara

Port de plaisance Sari-SalorenzaraPhotos of the marina (may differ from reality).

The Port de plaisance Sari-Solenzara, in the Corsican town of Sari Solenzara, has capacity for 450 boats. It offers its customers a laundry service, ATM, pharmacy, collection of used oils, recycling, taxi stand, post office, pharmacy and information office.

MAP, Location

(The map is based on coordinates, check. May be inaccurate)

Address Port de plaisance Sari-Salorenzara

Sari-Solenzara (Corsica ), France
  • Latitude.: 41º 51' 30'' N
  • Longitude: 09º 24' 11'' E
  • Moorings: 450
  • Draft: 2.7 m
  • Maximum length: 35 m

What options in

  • Services:
    VHF canal 16
    Crane 28 Tn.


Current customer rating: 5/5 based on 6398 customer reviews


0033 04 95 57 46 42

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