Club Náutico Puerto de Mazarrón - Darsena deportiva

Club Náutico Puerto de Mazarrón - Darsena deportivaPhotos of the marina (may differ from reality).

It is located in the municipality of Mazarrón. It is located in the eastern part of the Cabezo de la Reya, from where an inverted L-shaped breakwater starts, whose shortest side is oriented to the SE with 81 m and its longest side to the NE with 200 m ending in a hammer, a coastal wharf of 143 m, parallel to the longest side, make up the inner dock.

MAP, Location

(The map is based on coordinates, check. May be inaccurate)

Address Club Náutico Puerto de Mazarrón - Darsena deportiva

Mazarrón (Murcia ), Spain
  • Latitude.: 37º 34' 00'' N
  • Longitude: 01º 15' 42'' W
  • Moorings: 330
  • Draft: 5 m
  • Maximum length: 25 m

What options in

  • Services:
    VHF canal 9
    Travelift 120 Tn.
    Crane 8 Tn.


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